重庆渝江压铸有限公司创建于1992年,是集设计、开发、制造为一体的全资民营企业 Established in 1992 , a design, development and production integrated private-fund company. 现有员工约4000余人,其中技术人员204人 4000 employees in total, in which 204 engineers are included. 厂区占地面积20万平方米,厂房面积10万平方米 The plant covers 200,000 sqm. & building area covers100,000sqm. 2010年销售额15亿元人民币,约合2.29亿美元 The annual turnover in 2010 is1.5 billion RMB( Approx. 229 Million USD). 主要产品:汽车、摩托车、通用汽油机等铝合金零配件 Main products: Aluminum alloy die casting parts for automobile, motorcycle and general gasoline engine. 拥有国内外先进数控设备1232余台套 More than 1232 sets of domestic and overseas advanced equipment. 具备年产3万吨、2000万件铝压铸件和机加5000万件铝合金产品的生..